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Friday, August 10, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

Okay let's just get on with it......My partner and I have been debating this for a long time he likes Batman and I don't but, with that being said we both have been hit and miss on this "Dark Knight" series. We both liked Batman Begins and DID NOT LIKE!!! The Dark Knight and now with the conclusion of the trilogy The Dark Knight Rises, well honestly we don't know what the hype is all about.   The film was ok it wasn't great like everyone is making it out to be.  We liked the Avengers it was a good time at the movies but the Dark Knight Rises was actually boring it had it's moments.  Here's the skinny you have this..... in the The Dark Knight it was too much action and it took us out of the film in The Dark Knight Rises it was the opposite.  Christopher Nolan make up your mind!  The story took elements of the Batman comic Knightfall story line and honestly the comic was much better.  

Screenwriters Christopher Nolan (Director) and his brother Jonathan Nolan, well you would hope they could at least manage to weave a proper narrative together they failed. The best thing in “The Dark Knight Rises” is Anne Hathaway’s performance as Catwoman.  But, if we recall Catwoman was suppose to be Batman’s enemy now they are allies?  And against Bane??  Talk about confusing.

Unreliable characters saturate the story.  Catwoman’s alter ego Selina Kyle is a hypocrite thief who betrays Bruce Wayne every chance she gets. For his part, Bruce Wayne proves himself to be a terrible judge of character. His misplaced trust in Marion Cotillard played by Miranda Tate,  takes a heavy toll. Worse yet, Bruce Wayne betrays Alfred, his most trusted confidant and assistant, in a fit of anger.....Why?
Then Bruce while in prison and recovering from a broken back courtesy of Bane he is visited by a ghostly apparition of Ra’s Al Ghul played by Liam Neeson......WTF???!!!

The fans that rained down threats on critics of the movie before they had even seen it, speaks to the bullying hype surrounding the film. Let’s touch on that for a second, WHAT THE HELL!!  DC Fanboys & Fangirls you guys went off half cocked, tripping balls over what a critic said when he didn’t like the movie and then you all started threatening him?!  Seriously WTH?!  Look if you don’t like his or any other critics opinions then the best way handle it is to support the film, not make threats on the critics or any one else.  We mean this...... SERIOUSLY!!   The Colorado shooting has done enough damage JUST CHILL OUT!!!   

The Dark Knight Rises is not an entertaining or enjoyable film to watch. The only likable characters are secondary roles. You keep wishing that Morgan Freeman’s Fox, Michael Caine’s Alfred, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s police officer John Blake would have a bigger part of the story. 

John Blake's middle name is Robin.....Get it!

The bottom-line is that Christopher Nolan is a better director (and that's subject to opinion) than he is a screenwriter.   It’s good that Christopher Nolan isn’t making anymore Batman movies....Thank God!  
What sucks is that Nolan had to take so many talented people down with him in a movie that is a believer in it's own hype.  You can only sit through “The Dark Knight Rises” once, but you’ll never want to sit through it again unless you are believer in the Nolan hype machine.

The Dark Knight Rises

Christian Bale
Anne Hathaway
Morgan Freeman
Michael Caine
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Miranda Tate
Gary Oldman
Matthew Modine
Tom Hardy

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