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Friday, August 10, 2012

Total Recall

Saw the reboot of Total Recall, and needless to say we were disappointed this movie took itself way too serious.  The action was good, but where the hell was the story.  Having seen the 1990 Paul Verhoeven version we went in hoping it be an improvement, well it wasn't.  This film lacked humor unlike the first one which had humor peppered throughout and we missed Mars and Kuato which was completely absent in this version.  The only way we can describe this film is it was a little bit of Blade Runner, IRobot, Minority Report & The Fifth Element.  Whatever Director Len Wiseman was going for was lost, actually we don't know what he was going for.  Bottom line this film is at best a wait for cable.  We wished we could go to Rekall and wipe our memory clean for the two hours wasted we wasted on this stupid flick.

Total Recall
Director: Len Wiseman
Colin Farrell
Jessica Biel
Kate Beckinsale

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