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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Comic Con 2011

If any one reads this and think we are bitching about Comic Con that's not the case, we are pointing out our observations we have been to previous Comic Con's and by far this year in our opinion was the weakest.

This year's Comic Con wasn't as good as it has been in previous years.   Let's start with the online ticket fiasco with their partnership with ticket leap that whole thing was a complete cluster-fuck.

The online process is generally suppose to be easier, well purchasing tickets for the 2011San Diego Comic Con was as bad as standing online for a must see panel.  Here was the process: Try to register.....finally register...get kicked offline.....system crash....wait for them to fix their system.....refresh....another system crash....finally place order.....refresh....yet another system crash.....again input your order....refresh.....wait.....wait....wait....refresh.....wait in online hell.....pay for your tickets.......refresh I think you get our point.

To our dismay the best panels this year were stacked on Thursday and Friday and in previous years they have been on Saturday.  The panels on Saturday in Hall H, were interesting to say the least.  Seeing legendary filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola  and Val Kilmer talk about TWIXT which was interesting however it was very uninteresting it reminded us of yet another tween vampire movie and you know what we are talking about.

The next big event was Director Kevin Smith and every year we have gone his panel has had maybe 1,500-2,000 people but this year Hall H was packed with almost 6,000 people to see Kevin.  First let us say this we are fans of Kevin Smith, but goes to show how much the major studios have had an impact on recent Comic Con's.  Since some of the major studios chose to skip the 2011 SDCC the programming was extremely weak.  We knew of a couple major blockbusters that are due to hit theaters later this year Warner Bros. Sherlock Holmes-Game of Shadows, Paramount's Mission Impossible-Ghost Protocol they were noticeably absent. 

To pre-register for the 2012 San Diego Comic Con you had to purchased offsite.....WTH!!!!  OFFSITE!!  Yes kiddies Comic Con has stuck it to us yet again.  I guess the organizers think they are doing us a favor well you're not!  Here was that process it was as we said it's offsite at the Douglas Pavilion Manchester Grand Hyatt and it was for only 3 hours 8am-11am Thursday-Sunday....WHAT!!! 3 hours Ugh!  Okay we went there and the line there was worse than waiting in line for any panel and then they had the nerve to raise the prices......Yep these are the new prices for the 2012 SDCC:
                                                                         Adult    Junior Military/Senior

4-DAY WITH Preview Night
4-DAY WITHOUT Preview Night
SINGLE DAY Thurs - Sat

Now how bad do you want to go the SDCC?  Look in previous years they had the registration onsite and it was close but if you got the next years tixs early it was one less headache you had to deal with and you could enjoy the panels you wanted to see.

Ok now that we have vented, we did have a good time.   Comic Con has evolved and that we are proud of however the name should be changed to Entertainment Con.....catchy name huh.

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