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Friday, June 1, 2012

Men In Black 3

Well we really wanted to like it.....Honestly.  The performances were really flat and can Will Smith get any more annoying?   The answer is YES!!!.  The jokes were really stale and most if them are really not funny.   The amount of laughs that were actually in MIB3 you can count on one hand.  

Tommy Lee Jones performance felt really stiff and not genuine and Will Smith's performance was the same.  The only good performance was Josh Brolin.  His dead on impersonation of young Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones) was done very well.  Emma Thompson was a waste in the film as Agent O. The actor who played Boris The Animal was dreadful and there were many other lack luster performances too many to mention.

Generally we don't post spoilers but there is one part of the film that felt forced and didn't make much sense and that is about the back story regarding Agent J's father which we still didn't quite understand.  We thought it was something the writer tried to force in and honestly it didn't work and it made you question the strength of the script.  One other question where were the other characters like Frank the Dog we see a picture above Agent J's bed, but nothing is explained we do see the worm guys which is cool and those were pretty much the highlights.

To wrap all this up we are truly sorry we paid for this and we wished we could get our money back, but it is what it is.  To quote my partner " his bowel movement this morning was better than Men In Black 3".  
Men In Black 3 is a wait for cable at your friends house at best.

The only reason this movie is beating the Avengers is because it's new and people are curious to see it.  Our recommendation pass on it.

Men In Black 3
Starring: Will Smith Tommy Lee Jones Josh Brolin Emma Thompson Alice Eve