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Friday, January 27, 2012

Red Tails

Our review will have some spoilers so please forgive us but, we saw Red Tails had great potential however it really fell flat.  The story of the Tuskegee Airmen is one story that is based on true events so how did the writers screw this up?  The 1995 film produced by HBO was a lot better and more accurate, Red Tails was horrible and we were sadly disappointed.  
Let’s start with what got out dander up, the Red Tails story was basically set around historical fact but, when it showed the underlying love story between a Black American Pilot and a White Italian Woman the story there lost credibility, because during the WWII  the racism which we knew was rampant at that time would have made this impossible especially since there are scenes in which they walk by White Officers hand in hand.....WTF?  Really?   We know that we have come a long way in fight against racism however since this film set is in the 1940’s the writers should have tried to keep this accurate no matter how distasteful it might have been and honestly that was the interesting part of the film. The Dogfights looked like a video game which took us completely out of the film.  Red Tails does a disservice to the Tuskegee Airmen and the sacrifices they made.  What a waste of good...No great subject matter.  In our opinion like our mantra says we pay to see the movies we review and we wanted our money back.  This movie is a definite wait for cable or if your extremely board.

Terrance Howard
Cuba Gooding Jr.
Anthony Hemingway
John Ridley & Aaron McGruder
George Lucas

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Today’s Movie Going Experience

In today's world to go see a movie it’s like being in a Master Card commercial. Parking $10.00, purchase of a movie ticket another $20.00, popcorn and drink another $15.00......and now being broke and totally annoyed with people.......Priceless.  Theater chains are wondering why most people would rather sit in the comfort of their own homes and watch a movie either on DVD, Blu-Ray, or streamed via the internet rather than put up with this shit.
Once you go through the hassle of fighting to find a parking space, standing in a long line to purchase your ticket and then stand in another long line to get your snacks.  You finally make your way down the hall towards your auditorium to pick out your seat. 
Once inside the auditorium you glance around to see where you can find a seat. You think to yourself “there’s a great spot, middle row dead center.”. You start to make your move towards it, sit down and get comfortable, when you get bumped from some inconsiderate person who doesn’t even have the common courtesy to say excuse me as they rush on past. 
Remembering how last time you where here, every few seconds someone got up and stepped on your foot as they rushed to the snack bar or restroom while the movie is playing or someone arrives late with their whole family in tow. You got Grandma with her walker ”I can’t see,” the toddler “ talk talk talk” and don’t forget the baby in the stroller “cry cry cry” all through the picture. You quickly decide to go sit near the front and you settle in.
The trailers have all played and the movie you just paid an arm and leg and a body part to be named later to see is now 5 minutes in, when another late straggler comes in and then you hear over your shoulder from the back row someone yell out to the straggler. 
A few moments of audience silence goes by and then you hear some low whispering and then the baby starts to cry, and mind you the inconsiderate parents don't even have the courtesy to take the whining brat.....oops we meant child outside so as not to disturb the film for others.   A few more moments of audience silence and someone else finds the need to start talking as if they were in their living room. You make a shush sound and now you are the bad guy. People we don't need your commentary or extra dialogue on a film that just came out.
You try to get back into the movie and now here goes someones cell phone and now they have to fumble for it and answer it. You get back into the movie and now the person in the row in front of you decides they need to send or read a text. 
Your movie is more than half over when now someone in the row behind you decides to get up and as they are exiting either hits you in the back of the head or the back of the seat as they leave.
When did this behavior become the excepted norm at the movies. If you did the same at a live performance you would be escorted out by the usher.  Maybe we should start that in movie theaters and maybe, just maybe we all might have a better movie going experience.........yea right only in our dreams.
In conclusion, we paid to see and here the actors on screen no to see and hear you!