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Sunday, December 25, 2011


This is second time we have seen this trailer, let's be honest the teaser trailer left us feeling vague. However, the full trailer is a lot more interesting and we are curious. After we saw the Dark Knight, we did not have the same view of the film the rest of the world did. We thought it was 30 minutes too long, and it killed off too many characters which could’ve been better adversaries for Batman in future films. However, we will see The Dark Knight Rises when it hits theaters this Summer.

Trailer courtesy of Warner Bros.

Mision Impossible: Ghost Protocol

The film opens...With us seeing an IMF Agent being murdered by an assassin and the mission to retrieve the Russian Nuclear Launch codes is on from there.  The next shot is us looking at a prison in Moscow and we see the Russian Correction Officers looking at monitors and the next shot is us looking over the shoulder of an inmate throwing something against the wall it’s later revealed to be Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) and pretty much from there it’s non-stop action.  Director Brad Bird  (The Incredibles) did a fantastic job with handling the action and Ghost Protocol keeps you in the seats. Simon Pegg’s character (Benji) is the comic relief but not in a negative way and he proves it later in the film.  Jeremy Renner (Brandt)  and Paula Patton's (Jane) characters work well as part of a rouge IMF squad. Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol is a very stylish spy film worth the full price of admission.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Sin City Film Review Crew Visits Comic Com

Here is our teaser trailer for our visit to Comic Con 2011

Friday, December 2, 2011

Sherlock Holmes A Game of Shadows

Just got back from a press screening of Sherlock Holmes- A Game of Shadows.  Ok let's start this off the right way.   This film was actually awesome it had a decent story and good action needless to say almost too much action.  We will not spoil the film, but there are some scenes that the film could have done with out.

Robert Downey Jr's performance as Holmes was spot on.  Downey's quick wit had you laughing at the right points.  Jude Law as Watson was well done and we have to give him credit where credit is due keeping up with Downey isn't easy, but he did it and did it well.  The additions of Noomi Rapace as Sim and Jared Harris as Moriarty made the story more interesting, we thought it would confuse us but it didn't so well done to the writers.

There is one part of the film we thought seriously wasn't necessary and we are still wondering why.  The bringing back of Irene Adler (Rachel McAdams) although it was cool to see her part of the first film we thought it was totally unnecessary to have her in the second film honestly she wasn't in the film long (SPOILER ALERT!!!  After we said we wouldn't spoil the film for you....oops) and could been done with out her and her character really didn't move the story along honestly.

As to keeping with the Arthur Conan Doyle books as the producers and star said they were doing, they know that she was only in one book, A Scandal in Bohemia where she was referred only as the "Woman" and she was mention in four other books A Case of Identity, The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle, The Five Orange Pips, and His Last Bow.  So how she needed to be in this one is beyond us.

In conclusion we say this film is definitely a full price film to be enjoyed with an audience, there is enough action and story to keep you interested so check out  Sherlock Holmes A Game of Shadows.

The film is scheduled for wide release in US and the UK on December 16th

Thursday, October 20, 2011

2011 Scream Awards

Ok here we go on our soap box again.  The award show is yet again a venue for "KIDS" and their voting for what they like instead of what is good.  The only highlights were Robert Downey Jr getting the Hero Award and Nicolas Cage getting the Maverick Award and that's about it really and the most Anticipated Movie Awards goes to The Dark Knight Rises.......WTF!!!!  Did these kids forget about how Marvel Studios is kicking the shit out of DC/Warner Bros.

Yes, they did let us point out facts: Green Lantern=BOMB, Jonah Hex=BOMB, Superman Returns=BOMB, Sucker Punch=BOMB, Watchmen=BOMB get our point.

Marvel Studios hits are:  Iron Man, Iron Man 2, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America and the soon to be released The Avengers and Iron Man 3.  The last two should be the most anticipated films of 2012 & 2013.

DC/Warner Bros only comic book hit is Batman AKAThe Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises.  Do they think that a franchise like Batman will go on forever God!!! We hope not.

But back to our review of the Scream Awards:

The previews and sneak peeks were so brief that it really wasn't worth showing.  So in other words this year's Scream Awards were more like the Teen Awards or better yet "THE I WANNA BE AN MTV MOVIE AWARD SHOW." 

Enough already!!!  Please let's stop the INSANITY of Teen Voting!!!

Sherlock Holmes-A Game of Shadows Trailer 2

Ok we are making plans to see this.   We requested to see more and we got it.....Thanks

Sherlock Holmes-A Game of Shadows Teaser Trailer

Ok this was the teaser trailer for Sherlock Holmes-A Game of Shadows
this looks interesting but we need to see more.

The Avengers Official Trailer

This looks AWESOME!!!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Comic Con 2011

If any one reads this and think we are bitching about Comic Con that's not the case, we are pointing out our observations we have been to previous Comic Con's and by far this year in our opinion was the weakest.

This year's Comic Con wasn't as good as it has been in previous years.   Let's start with the online ticket fiasco with their partnership with ticket leap that whole thing was a complete cluster-fuck.

The online process is generally suppose to be easier, well purchasing tickets for the 2011San Diego Comic Con was as bad as standing online for a must see panel.  Here was the process: Try to register.....finally register...get kicked offline.....system crash....wait for them to fix their system.....refresh....another system crash....finally place order.....refresh....yet another system crash.....again input your order....refresh.....wait.....wait....wait....refresh.....wait in online hell.....pay for your tickets.......refresh I think you get our point.

To our dismay the best panels this year were stacked on Thursday and Friday and in previous years they have been on Saturday.  The panels on Saturday in Hall H, were interesting to say the least.  Seeing legendary filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola  and Val Kilmer talk about TWIXT which was interesting however it was very uninteresting it reminded us of yet another tween vampire movie and you know what we are talking about.

The next big event was Director Kevin Smith and every year we have gone his panel has had maybe 1,500-2,000 people but this year Hall H was packed with almost 6,000 people to see Kevin.  First let us say this we are fans of Kevin Smith, but goes to show how much the major studios have had an impact on recent Comic Con's.  Since some of the major studios chose to skip the 2011 SDCC the programming was extremely weak.  We knew of a couple major blockbusters that are due to hit theaters later this year Warner Bros. Sherlock Holmes-Game of Shadows, Paramount's Mission Impossible-Ghost Protocol they were noticeably absent. 

To pre-register for the 2012 San Diego Comic Con you had to purchased offsite.....WTH!!!!  OFFSITE!!  Yes kiddies Comic Con has stuck it to us yet again.  I guess the organizers think they are doing us a favor well you're not!  Here was that process it was as we said it's offsite at the Douglas Pavilion Manchester Grand Hyatt and it was for only 3 hours 8am-11am Thursday-Sunday....WHAT!!! 3 hours Ugh!  Okay we went there and the line there was worse than waiting in line for any panel and then they had the nerve to raise the prices......Yep these are the new prices for the 2012 SDCC:
                                                                         Adult    Junior Military/Senior

4-DAY WITH Preview Night
4-DAY WITHOUT Preview Night
SINGLE DAY Thurs - Sat

Now how bad do you want to go the SDCC?  Look in previous years they had the registration onsite and it was close but if you got the next years tixs early it was one less headache you had to deal with and you could enjoy the panels you wanted to see.

Ok now that we have vented, we did have a good time.   Comic Con has evolved and that we are proud of however the name should be changed to Entertainment Con.....catchy name huh.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Avengers Assemble at D23

The only highlight of the D23 Expo

D23 Expo

Rocky from Sin City Film Review Crew had an opportunity to attend the D23 Expo at the Anaheim Convention Center on Saturday, here is the review.  Hey everyone I'm going to tell you how it went, well it's definitely not Comic Con but if you are a major Disney fan it's the perfect event for you.  Myself and several friends arrived at the convention center about 4:45am and got on line with the other D23 members.   According to the D23 website if you are a D23 member you'll be granted early access to the venue before the general public, well that was somewhat true the main event of the day was the presentation of the Walt Disney Studios featuring Marvel Studios which was bringing The Avengers.   We stood online from 5:00am to 9:00am then we were escorted inside, now once inside we were herded like cattle into these lines where we had surrender.....no wait let rephrase that, they confiscated our cellphones, still cameras and any all recording devices.  Ok I understand the video cameras but still cameras?  Ok fine I had to deal with that headache so they took my still camera, cellphone and ID and they gave a green claim ticket now my friends had different color claim tickets also they had to put up with that headache as well.  Once that was over we were then herded into another line where we waited another hour next to the loudest speaker playing Radio Disney pop music......God the agony.  At approximately 10:00am....I think??   I didn't have my cellphone and I didn't wear a watch so I'm guessing on the time we were escorted into the D23 Arena once inside we were seated about 20 rows from the stage one of the staff member who was really nice and the most honest one there said that we might be able to move up.  Now the seats that were roped off cost about $500-$1000 and sometimes those people don't show up......WRONG!!!  They showed up and we were screwed.....Oh Well.  We sat through the animation stuff and some of it was cool seeing the celebrity voice talent like Sarah Silverman, Jon Cryer, Billy Crystal and others in person was nice, then they celebrated the 25th  Anniversary of Pixar by showing some upcoming projects and giving us cupcakes I won't complain about the taste but at least they were free.  The next presentation was Walt Disney Studios and they brought some footage from upcoming projects like Tim Burton's Frankenweenie, The Odd Life of Timothy Green, and The Muppets.   Seeing The Muppets again was a bright spot also seeing Jason Segel, Kermit and Miss Piggy took me back.  The next presentation was John Carter this a film adaptation of the Edgar Rice Burroughs novel.  Ok the Director Andrew Stanton basically was reading off a teleprompter and there was a delay so he was sort of flustered at times during his presentation, but what was really bad was the footage.   It was so uninteresting and honestly boring that I tuned it out.  The final presentation was Marvel Studios The Avengers.  Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige talked about sitting in the D23 audience last year and he said that the film had two more weeks of shooting to go and then he presented us 4 minutes of footage of the film.  We all had a complete Nerdgasm seeing that footage, then Feige brought out some of the cast from the film he started with Tom Hiddleston(Loki), Colby Smolders(S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Maria Hill), Jeremy Renner(Clint Barton/Hawkeye), Scarlett Johansson(Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow), Chris Hemsworth(Thor), and Robert Downey Jr(Tony Stark/Iron Man) who got the biggest, and loudest standing ovation.  Robert made a funny comment about visiting his parents here in Anaheim and said "would we like to see the footage again" the crowd pretty much shouted yes and they showed the footage again.  Once the footage was over they left, the entire time they were there was all of maybe 8 minutes total.   Speaking time 30 seconds.....Priceless.  Now getting out of the arena was a gigantic cluster fuck there was no organization it was everyone for themselves it took me about 40 minutes to get to the table and another 15 minutes to get to the right person and another 5 minutes to get my stuff.  This was the worst experience I have ever been through I will not be attending any other D23 expos because of the complete lack of organization the floor was not enticing as a matter of fact it was boring.  Maybe Disney should learn a thing or two from Comic Con and honestly that one isn't that well organized either.

Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance (2012) Trailer - HD movie

This trailer has potential but we're still skeptical. Well see in Feb 2012.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Rise of the Planet of The Apes

Here we go with another Hollywood abomination. We reluctantly went and saw the here we go again.....remake of Planet of the Apes and was sadly disappointed in the film. Basically it sucked, but at least they had the decency to have the actors looking like apes.

In this latest spit in the face to the original Planet of the Apes series, they used real actors to act out the scenes, but then used computer generated images for the look of the apes.  The trailer didn't look very interesting and did not make us want to go see this film, so we are not going to waste our hard earned money on this film.

Well, days later we broke down and wasted our hard earned money on this crap we just had to see it to see what the paid critics were talking about and we should've followed our first mind and not seen this. Overall this film is horrible and again to beat a dead monkey...lol Hollywood where are the original ideas STOP WITH THE REMAKES!!!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Dirty Dancing Remake Is in the Works!

DO NOT REMAKE THIS CLASSIC FILM. Please leave this film as the classic it is and do not cheapen it with a sub standard attempt at Hollywoods love for remakes.

Lionsgate has announced plans to remake Dirty Dancing.......For the love God why???  This goes to show that Hollywood's lack of new blood is starting to take it's toll.  With the influx of remakes and reboots where has the originality gone?  We mean there are writer's in Hollywood...right?  So why are we seeing so many remakes and reboots instead of original ideas?  This is really getting old quick why are the studios paying these writers to re-write what's already been done?......We mean you're a writer right, so be creative and come up with new and fresh creations.  And to the studios there is new talent in Hollywood why don't you guys tap it.  In our opinion instead of spending millions on remakes and reboots that may or may not be box office hits why don't you just re-release the original film.  

These Four Walls-Student Short Film

This is a well done student short film that has yet to be given proper credit. Trust us most student films we've seen are really sappy or artsy-fartsy, they have bad sound or camera work overall they just suck and that's why we are generally surprised at the quality of this one. Check this out and show this filmmaker some props because they really deserve it.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Marvel One-Shot: The Consultant - Clip 1

Nice teaser can't wait to see more and we all know who he is talking about....Remember Iron Man 2.....Hmmm

THOR | DVD/Blu-ray Release Sizzle Reel

 This will be awesome it will be out Sept 13, 2011 so pick it up when it hits stores.

The Avengers | Teaser Trailer Sneak Peek

May 2012 will start out with a Bang!!!  We can't wait to see the Avengers.

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Videos

The reason you are seeing our older videos it just shows that we have been doing this for a few years we are just now catching up with the latest stuff.  Stay tuned for our stuff from Comic Con

Sin City Film Review Crew Episode #3

Sin City Film Review Crew Episode #2

Sin City Film Review Crew Episode #1

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Green Lantern

We had such high hopes for this and we are sad to say that it's another epic fail for DC Comics & Warner Bros.  The last two comic book adaptations from DC have been really bad (Superman Returns & Jonah Hex).  We don't know if it's just bad screenwriting because the casting has actually been very good.  We are not going to bash DC because the comic books have great stories, and that should give some of these "A"-List screenwriters some idea on how to write the story.  Anyway the story took to long to explain itself especially for an orgins story.  The film was way over CGI'd it could have used a practical suit as opposed to a CGI'd one.  The weaponary, the Green Lantern Corps, understandable CGI but the suit way is too much and in 3D it's way too much on the eyes.  What makes this even worse it's not true 3D it's conversion. We have no problem with Ryan Reynolds but we have like too have seen him better as Deadpool to be honest.  Overall Green Lantern had potenial but it failed in it's execution.

Entertainment & Film Reviews: Thor

Entertainment & Film Reviews: Thor: "We throughly enjoyed this film. Most people may think that this was over CGI'd well we saw it in 2D and it was fine. The story was easy t..."

Captain America-The First Avenger

Captain America is the latest in Marvel Studios comic book releases.  Captain America is actually well done, it has a nice story and great action.  The story follows the origins of Cap AKA Steve Rogers a scrawny kid from New York who becomes a great hero during WWII.  The writers did an awesome job the story it was easy to follow without making it too drawn out.  The origins of Cap got right to the point which is what a comic book movie should do.  Joe Johnston is to be commended for taking on the mantle in this latest release he did a wonderful job.  Chris Evans as Cap is awesome and he is totally believable in the role.  The director has some nice Avengers tie ins and if you are a comic book fan you shouldn't have a problem spotting the easter eggs.  Now we have to tell you as always stay after the credits because along with seeing the hard work put in by these folks Marvel Studios always gives us a tease for the next upcoming film and this time it's worth it.  Captain America-The First Avenger is definitely worth full price admission.